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文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



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Web: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院




弗兰克·丘奇河不归荒野的故事不仅仅是科学, 不仅仅是河流, 不仅仅是人. 我们对荒野的理解和对荒野空间的需求因人而异. 汇流实验室的成员特蕾莎·科恩, Ruby Fulton and the icarus Quartet — are dedicated to helping people explore their relationship with wilderness including their views of the Frank.


莱昂内尔·汉普顿音乐学院’s Ruby Fulton wrote a 音乐al score that encapsulated Idaho’s Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. 当特蕾莎·科恩 自然资源与社会学系 她瞥了一眼乐谱,发现它很美,但很复杂,很陌生.

但这时一位正在演奏乐谱的钢琴家说, ‘哇, 我只是从来没弹过这样地形的曲子,’”科恩说. “I looked at the notes and just thought, ‘Gosh, it really does look like the landscape of the Frank.“球场很崎岖. 你可以从声音中听到它的坚固.”

在 融合实验室, 人文学科的欧洲杯买球, arts, social sciences and sciences tackle Idaho environmental issues alongside community members. 该合作始于2019年,由科恩和科恩共同创立 英语 教员副教授 艾琳·詹姆斯 和教授 詹妮弗·拉地诺语. The Lab has since embarked on seven funded projects and has received about $700,000 in support.

“We came together to think about ways we can address and explore environmental issues in Idaho and in the region in more interdisciplinary, 以创造性和社区为基础的方式,科恩说. 

该团队采用跨学科的方法,特别是与讲故事有关的方法, emotions and communication — to develop holistic approaches to complex environmental issues, 比如公共土地的使用, 森林大火, 水, 能源基础设施和气候变化.


与普遍看法相反, 荒野不是静止的, 没有人为的玷污,面对时间也不会改变. While policy has protected Idaho’s Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness from many human impacts, researchers with the 融合实验室 are tracking how the Frank has transformed since its federal wilderness designation in 1980.

通过结合科学, 音乐, 采访和电影, 探险队正在探索改变荒野的想法. 硕士生Micaela Petrini, 现在毕业了,住在莫斯科, 和科恩一起工作, 研究副教授和主任 泰勒荒野研究站, to reshoot historic pictures of the Frank’s Big Creek Drainage and interview stakeholders including landowners, 服装商和飞行员.

“这不仅仅是火灾对景观的物理变化, 例如, 或者说是荒野. 我们想了解这种变化对人们的价值。. “People are part of this landscape; you can’t separate the human and social impacts from the wilderness.”

Scientists understand that wilderness isn’t simply stagnant and a refuge for people to visit, 科恩说.

“荒野是混乱的,”她接着说. “这种程度的变化对我们在自然系统中看到的多样性至关重要, but change is also interpreted in diverse ways by people who interact with the wilderness.”

People are part of this landscape; you can’t separate the human and social impacts from the wilderness. Micaela Petrini, CNR

Petrini found that the meaning of the Frank and its changes varied with the individual. Some people enjoy the sense of place they experienced visiting the Frank while others value the natural rejuvenation of the forest through fire or the historic use of the landscape.

在了解了这个项目之后, 富尔顿受到启发,创作了她对变化中的弗兰克的音乐表现. 这个项目让她得以探索科学与艺术的交集, 她说她觉得很兴奋. Her score was recorded by the icarus Quartet and will be combined with the stakeholder interviews and rephotography images in a final film produced by 英语’s 本·詹姆斯.


为了更好地了解宝石州的野火, the 融合实验室 is uniting the voices of people in Idaho through their 故事 of fire.

“火的故事”项目, 最近得到了国家科学基金会的资助, 从消防经理的叙述中汲取灵感, 消防队员, 火灾科学家和受野火影响的人们. These 故事 will provide rich learning experiences for rural Idahoans in informal STEM — science, 技术, 工程和数学学习环境.

研究表明,通过讲故事可以提高学习效果, which is often lacking in traditional communication between scientists and the public, 科恩说.

“当我们听故事的时候,我们了解到亲身经历火灾是什么感觉,” 英语’s 艾琳·詹姆斯 说.

该团队包括火灾生态学家 勒达Kobziar, will build a curriculum that incorporates interviews with “frontliners” who have first-hand experience with wildland fire, including the beneficial use of prescribed fire and the suppression and management of wildfire.

当我们听故事的时候,我们了解到亲身经历火灾是什么感觉. 艾琳·詹姆斯,英语

“The American West is rife with personal narratives of evacuation, smoke and disaster,科恩说. “然而, 沿着这些深邃的, 戏剧性的事件, fire scientists carry a quieter but no less important message that fire has always been part of the Western landscape, 许多野火发挥着自然和有益的作用.”

融合实验室团队将提供讲习班,培训非正式的STEM教育工作者, 试点暑期项目,并根据他们的发现创建一个播客. Work will be supported by 环境科学 Program doctoral student Kayla Bordelon, 西弗敦, Oregon; and 英语 master’s students Michael Decker, 邦纳斯渡轮, 还有杰克·克雷德尔, Lemont, 宾西法尼亚.

“Enhanced knowledge about fire science and STEM can empower Idaho residents to conquer the challenges of living in a fire-prone region,Kobziar说.


Professor of 英语; Co-Director, The 融合实验室; Affiliate 教师, 环境科学


James, Ladino和Cohn与副教授合作 史黛西Isenbarger in 艺术与设计 to create a virtual “Atlas of Fire” that illustrates people’s complex relationships with fire. 在这种情况下, 虚拟地图集由地图组成, 故事, 图像和数据的其他表示形式,为特定问题带来洞察力.

照片中捕捉到的瞬间告诉我们的不仅仅是画面里的东西. 史黛西Isenbarger,艺术与设计

The “Stories of Fire: A Pacific Northwest Climate 正义 Atlas” project will focus on the connections between fire, 社会正义, 环境正义和传统上代表性不足的社区, 利用环境人文来讲述这个不断变化的地区的故事.

拉迪诺说:“野火凸显了我们正面临的一些社会危机. “通过关注人们与火的个人经历, we can better listen to a diversity of rural voices and address 社会正义 issues like settler colonialism, 环境种族主义和社会经济不平等.”

《欧洲杯买球》是安德鲁·W·盖茨基金会(Andrew W. 梅隆基金会授予一个来自伊利诺伊大学的合作团队, 俄勒冈大学和惠特曼学院. The atlas is one part of a larger suite of projects that address racial and climate justice issues in the Pacific Northwest.

除了结合地理空间技术的数字地图集之外, 该项目将产生一个旅行教学工具包, 艺术展览和讲故事的工作坊遍布整个地区.

创造“火的地图集”,该团队计划将GIS和一个名为photovoice的工具结合起来, which invites community members to show and tell their own 故事 of fire using photography. 合流实验室将使用“火的故事”,” Big Creek Rephotography and photovoice artifacts to spark conversations at the storytelling workshops.

“照片捕捉到的瞬间告诉我们的不仅仅是画面里的东西. The rich experiences of those who take them will be threaded into the collection of these visual narratives,艾森博格说.

The 西北知识网 将作为“火的地图集”存储库,而伊利诺伊大学图书馆的 数字研究与学习中心 将帮助团队以可访问的方式开发和呈现数据.

The two-year “Stories of Fire” project was funded by National Science Foundation award 2006101. 项目资金总额为299,911美元,其中100%是联邦份额.

本文由 利库柏,大学传播与市场营销.

图片由欧洲杯买球摄影服务中心和特蕾莎·科恩提供, 自然资源学院.

视频由Michael Boren和 卡拉比灵顿,大学传播与市场营销, and Teresa Cohn, 自然资源学院.



Professor of 英语; Director, MA-英语; Co-Director, The 融合实验室; Core 教师, 环境科学




文学艺术学院 & 社会科学


文学艺术学院 & 社会科学



电子邮件: class@gibranos.com

Web: 文学、艺术和社会科学学院
